Here Come the Packers in Our Week 11 2024 NFL Model Predictions

Last week, our 2024 NFL model performed middle of the pack last week according to the online prediction tracker, correctly predicting 8 of 15 games. So far on the season, it is the seventh most accurate of over 50 models tracked here and was middle of the pack in accuracy last week. The table below contains our week 11 predictions.

Remember that our model relies on Vegas data and doesn’t directly ingest game data. This means it reacts quickly to the latest information. This results in a model which is an accurate prediction of the future and not just a representation of what happened in the past.

Below is our overall power rankings for week 11 and a history of rankings over the last few weeks.

Our model also produces championship probabilities, visualized in the graphic below. The model landing page contains more in depth playoff probabilities including odds to make the world series, make the playoffs, etc. The graphic below is meant as a quick look to see how things have changed. The Lions are continuing to grab a bigger and bigger share of the pie as things start to come into focus.

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